A Jewish Service

Learn to Lead Services

Have you ever wondered about learning to lead a service? We are arranging some training with a London-based teacher to build skills in the community!

There are going to be three parts – two on zoom, one in person. The first is open to all and the second and third tailored to participants in the weekday morning minyan.

The first part will be a 2 hour online session exploring “what is service leading anyway” – we”ll look at what skills are needed, what we already have and what we need to develop. This means it would be great for people to come who might be interested but are unsure, who might want to only lead part of a service or who are just keen to know more about what it takes. If you might want to take a leadership in your communities, this is for you!

If you are interested in service leading in any context or future service leading training then come along to explore how it feels.

Max people 15, pay what you can. This will be the 8th or 15th December. If you have a preference, leave a comment or send us an email.



