A protestor holds a sign which says "No to [fascism], Yes to Refugees"

No To Racism

“You shall not wrong or oppress a stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.” – Exodus 22:20

As fascists terrorise our streets, we must stand up to be counted against racism. As Jews, we and our ancestors have been migrants and refugees. The same forces that have persecuted us are now persecuting others. Our ancestors and their allies fought bigotry and we must continue that fight. We have received welcome and aid and we must fight to ensure others do also. Racism must be resisted in all its forms.

This resistance can include going to counter demonstrations or donating to help support migrants. Our community is not immune to racism. It is just as important to show solidarity at shul as in the streets. We must speak up when we hear intolerance. Acting against bigotry is a mitzvah. An injury to one is an injury to all.

A protestor holds a sign which says "No to [fascism], Yes to Refugees"
Counter-protest to the far right targeting asylum seeker accommodation. Some rights reserved by Tim Dennell



